Your Mileage May Vary

Edging During Netflix Time, Premature Completion, Facials, Vibrator Competition



Which would you rather do while watching a movie with your female partner? Edge her manually for 45 minutes and then give her oral for 5 minutes, or not edge her at all but then the oral sex takes 20 minutes? And, do people need to be edged during movie watching at all? What does it mean when your husband seems never to be interested in sex, but then when you have sex he ejaculates prematurely? Does it mean he's not interested in sex at all? If so, how is he getting off so fast? And, what's the real deal with facials? Are there any women in the world who like them just because they enjoy semen sprayed on their face? Like, would any women consent to having a squirt gun loaded with semen and shot at their faces? Or are they doing it because men seem to like it and it's submissive? Our video segment this week is really one you don't want to miss. A vibrator of unusual size (and a likely fake orgasm to go along with it!). To follow along with the videos discussed at the beginning of the episode: