What's Up With The Woo?

Healing Through Sound- Singing Bowls (Supporting Women)



On International Women's Day, I celebrate each of you with love and intention through sound. The importance of supporting each other, loving each other and being present for each other has never been more paramount. This meditation has no speaking or guidance. It is meant to assist you and collective vibrationally. Together we breathe with intention; to ease a burden, release fear & repression, and ask for love, compassion, and grace.   While I keep my political views and opinions close to the chest, humanitarian efforts to help those in need, is not a political issue, is a human issue. At this time, I am very intentionally focusing love and resources to helping ALL those fleeing repressive and dangerous situations (first in their hearts and minds, in their home, their place of employment, and their country). I will leave several links below to places that need your compassion, your gifts, and monetary donation. Many blessings, Jill The women of Elevate97 (Green Bay, WI) are donating their time to ha