Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

115. The Cauldron Of Relationship



Relationships can be a source of joy or a source of pain, but either way they call us to grow. Our friendships, family and love relationships all have one thing in common: us. When we can own 100% responsibility for the connections in our life, then we are in a place of power.  When we blame others for our life circumstances or wish that "they" would change, then we are disempowered. Because we always have the power to change and develop ourselves and usually our current circumstances are the perfect place to practice being different right now. Please follow me on Insight Timer! Want to connect spiritually, grow personally and work with me directly? Click here to learn more about my Spiritual Experience groups. Small groups of 4-6 people meeting weekly in 6 week sessions for inner journeywork, support and self-growth. -- Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts. If you like this podcast click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let u