Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

HFS – Say No To V Cards



Showing a card or a pass does not prove a person is not sick... We need to take a closer look at the real reason they want to implement a v-card or v-pass system Those that want to put them in place say the main reason is to encourage people to get their "shots" Whether you choose to get the c19 "shots" or not, a v-pass doesn't prove that you don't have a "contagion" I hear many governing bodies making decisions based on their viewpoint or agendas and instead of health People who got the "shots" have still gotten sick and have been allowed to go to restaurants/bars while ill Excluding people based on their c19 shot status is illogical, divisive and, thankfully, is being lawfully challenged Think about where this could go if every entity has access to your health records and can exclude you on a whim Please do your own research on it and know that there are underlying reasons for a digital v-pass system We must maintain our medical freedoms and the ability to choose what we put into our body, always! For we