Ace Weekly

Branding, Reputation and Legacy - ACEWEEKLY091



Does your reputation precede you?   The most important conversations people have about you and your business are the ones that happen when you’re not around. That’s the standard you have to hold for your reputation. In this day & age, people will try to tear you down (especially when you see high levels of success). So how can you have a reputation that holds up against scrutiny? Nowadays, people will sacrifice their reputation to win in the short term. You must learn to play the long-term game. After it’s all said & done, the only thing you really leave behind is your legacy. That goes for both you & your business. Think about how you can become the ‘go-to” person in your industry. Rather than sacrificing your reputation for short term success, aim to play the long game, and leave a legacy that lasts generations. This week Andrew walks through 5-keys on building social capital, and how you can leave a lasting legacy with your own personal brand & your business.  Follow us on social @andreweva