RIA Weekly

Episode 345: It’s always the last place you look



This week we discuss Kubernetes adoption, the State of Open Source Survey and the search for a better Developer Experience. Plus, some thoughts on taking out the trash and conflict resolution. Register here to be invited to future Software Defined Meetups (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HabWg2nxKf2-qAavMSihlHbACjpr-qVDJFeBTKAJZJQ/edit) Rundown Ten takeaways from the 2022 State of Open Source survey (https://opensource.org/node/1183) What is Developer Experience? a roundup of links and goodness (https://redmonk.com/jgovernor/2022/02/21/what-is-developer-experience-a-roundup-of-links-and-goodness/) Developer Experience Is Security (https://redmonk.com/rstephens/2022/02/17/devex-is-security/?ck_subscriber_id=512840665) Relevant to your Interests California Will Stick Solar Panels Over Canals to Fight Two Disasters at Once (https://gizmodo.com/california-will-stick-solar-panels-over-canals-to-fight-1848550514) Salesforce teams with AWS on direct-to-consumer streaming media solution – TechCrunch (https://techcru