RIA Weekly

Episode 347: Son of Beagle



This week we discuss how to measure DevRel, the legacy of Sun and a few thoughts on Markdown. Plus, we determine the TAM for trackballs… Register here to be invited to future Software Defined Meetups (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HabWg2nxKf2-qAavMSihlHbACjpr-qVDJFeBTKAJZJQ/edit) Rundown Measuring Developer Relations (https://www.swyx.io/measuring-devrel) What if Sun called it Cloud? (https://twitter.com/furrier/status/1498804338751275011?s=21) Relevant to your Interests A Visa exec's email to Amazon CEO Andy Jassy set off an internal scramble that's becoming increasingly common at the tech giant (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/visa-execs-email-amazon-ceo-212121273.html) Clouded Judgement 2.25.22 (https://cloudedjudgement.substack.com/p/clouded-judgement-22522?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email) Report: 76% of IT pros say that cloud has hit a wall (https://venturebeat.com/2022/02/24/report-76-of-it-pros-say-that-cloud-has-hit-a-wall/) Out Of Scope - #0 (https://emilykager.substack.com/p/out-of-scope-0) Me