Paleo Runner

Daniel Krawisz on Bitcoin and Austrian Economics Part 2



00:00:00.000 Daniel Krawisz 00:00:51.045 People don't know the bottom line in bitcoin 00:01:59.657 The nature of success in bitcoin 00:02:38.457 Understanding economics is understanding success 00:03:54.667 Theory vs practice of success 00:04:34.721 Can we understand success by thinking about it? 00:05:33.429 Tradeoffs 00:07:59.852 Economics lets us look at trade-offs in an abstract way 00:08:11.536 Virtue ethics and economics 00:09:24.508 Courage and bitcoin 00:10:36.808 Austrian economics professors lack courage 00:13:14.829 Peter Schiff doesn't understand money 00:13:22.680 Austrians only think of money as gold 00:14:03.690 What does success mean in bitcoin? 00:14:58.492 How does an entrepreneur join the bitcoin economy 00:16:43.746 Price versus value 00:19: