Paleo Runner

Remembrances of Thomas Szasz with Anthony Stadlen



00:00:00.000 Introduction Anthony Stadlen  00:00:16.899 Anthony's interest in psychotherapy 00:01:08.488 Lies in family origin 00:02:24.037 Sartre  00:04:23.061 James Joyce  00:04:29.562 Freud 00:05:21.125 Leonardo Da vinci  00:08:21.490 Existential analyst  00:08:27.437 Ronald D. Lang  00:08:28.518 Aaron Esterson  00:09:46.627 The Divided Self  00:09:58.269 Existence Rollo May 00:10:36.515 Ludwig Binswanger  00:10:52.429 Case of Ellen West  00:13:52.286 The Myth of Mental Illness  00:15:05.405 Praxis  00:15:07.044 Human Action  00:16:44.197 RD Lang 00:16:48.205 Esterson 00:16:50.937 Reason and Violence  00:16:57.188 Sanity, Madness and the Family  00:17:07.867 David Cooper  00:17:41.758 Praxis 00:19:54.390 Szasz was an intellectual terrorist 00:22:16.654 When did you first meet Szasz? 00:23:46.731 Anthony Clare  00:26:46.277 Case of Dora and Caterina  00:29:12.498 A Poor Model for Students: The Case of Thomas Szasz http