Homeless In San Diego

giv4, Homelessness in San Diego initiative



Join us for an invaluable conversation discussing homelessness and giv4, an initiative of the Jewish Community Foundation San Diego and twelve curated local nonprofits confronting homelessness in San Diego.  The goal of giv4 is to learn about homelessness, the affordable housing crisis and different solutions in San Diego County.  Two of the twelve organizations receiving funding from this collective effort are Interfaith Community Services and HEAL, Homeless Experienced Advocacy & Leadership.  Ollie Benn, Director of Philanthropy and Social Impact at Jewish Community Foundation San Diego, joins Greg Anglea and Vanessa Graziano, representatives of two of the organizations in this inspiring conversation you do not want to miss.  Contact Us: interfaithservices.org/contact Interested in supporting Interfaith Community Services: www.interfaithservices.org/donate Learn more about giv4: https://giv4.jcfsandiego.org/