Passing The Torch

Ep. 19: Simple Guiding Truth on a Historic Path



Summary: On this episode of Passing the Torch, Host Martin Foster introduces someone who understands deeply that we ignore history at our peril - Matt Ziemann, which is why the conversation in this episode of Passing the Torch is so robust. A love of history cultivated early in his life has been a guiding light throughout a remarkable career. The discussion touches on the many ways in which history gives context and how understanding decision-making from an experiential point of view can completely change the way we judge others. Enjoy this fun conversation, which includes everything from interesting fun facts about the Battle of Britain to what combo of historical figures would make for the best dinner party. You’ll also find out what popular adventure character (Hint: Indy, for short) might make the best model on which to base Matt’s life story! Key Takeaways: The big picture: Belief that history is important to good leadership and decision-making Person in history who was inspiring Sharing a simple, guidi