
Bonus Episode! Durango Steeleye's Excitement and Team-Building Excursion Park pt 2



In the final part of our one shot adventure, new heroes Alodar, Arden, Barnaby, Lilo, and Müpagroop draw ever nearer their certificates of participation from Durango Steeleye's Excitement and Team-Building Excursion Park. Will Alodar find love? Will Barnaby find a third boring beverage, perhaps skim milk, to enjoy? Will Müpagroop add some more beautiful eyes, forever staring, to her magic staff? Will Lilo's coworkers ever accept her for who she is and not see her as "Lilo, you know, from accounts payable?" I mean, sure, she could maybe make more of an effort in the break room, but these people aren't really her friends, you know? They're just people she has to spend time with while she does her job. It's just random chance they share a coffee machine and calculation toad. Calculation toads are rare after all. Maybe she will reconnect with something out here. She loved numbers once. Maybe she can love them again. Maybe. Maybe she should finally quit. Maybe she should have moved to the city with Gregori all tho