
Ep 84: Frozen in Place pt 2



We pick up right were we left off - with Fletch falling to his doom! Some other stuff happens, too, but we should probably resolve that one first, eh? Wonder what happens... You must be dying to know! Well, listen to the episode already and stop reading the description! We’ve got a Patreon! Support the show and get rewards like exclusive recipe cards, behind-the-scenes content, and t-shirts! www.patreon.com/dndndpod Beth's Rad Shop where you can purchase DnDnD art and apparel, will return October 13th, 2020! Twitter: @DnDnDPod Instagram: @DnDnDPod Email: DnDnDPod@gmail.com Our Team: James Graessle, James A. Janisse, Chelsea Rebecca, Beth Radloff, Mike Cygan, & Joel Arnold Subreddit: r/DnDnDPod Original Music by Jeremy Nasato