
Ep 88: Legends Of The Hidden Temple pt 2



Some more secrets of the Temple of Illuna are revealed as the Team tries to make a new ghost friend, but when all Fletch has is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. We’ve got a Patreon! Support the show and get rewards like exclusive recipe cards, behind-the-scenes content, and t-shirts! www.patreon.com/dndndpod Beth's Rad Shop where you can purchase DnDnD art and apparel, will return October 13th, 2020! Twitter: @DnDnDPod Instagram: @DnDnDPod Email: DnDnDPod@gmail.com Our Team: James Graessle, James A. Janisse, Chelsea Rebecca, Beth Radloff, Mike Cygan, & Joel Arnold Subreddit: r/DnDnDPod Original Music by Jeremy Nasato