Kpbs Midday Edition

Safe Reopening Compliance Team To Help Business Navigate COVID-19 Rules, County’s Coronavirus Deaths Reveals Huge Disparity, San Onofre Decommissioning Progress Report And New Self-Driving Car Tech



Some businesses in the county are openly flaunting public health orders while others are confused about compliance. To that end, the county has set up a compliance team to help businesses navigate the rules and crack down on those that defy those rules. Also, breaking down San Diego COVID-19 deaths by ZIP codes reveals huge disparity. Plus, as work to dismantle the San Onofre nuclear power plant continues, the debate about how to safely dispose of nuclear waste wages on. And, the Los Angeles VA is allowing homeless veterans to camp on the campus so they can access services such as health care and food but that’s drawing mixed reactions from homeless advocates. Finally, Qualcomm’s new version of the technology that allows cars to communicate with one another and to traffic signals looks to prove its effectiveness to make cars truly driverless.