Kpbs Midday Edition

County Supervisors Approve $6.5 Billion 2020-21 Budget, The Conspiracy Theory Behind ‘QAnon’, Flu Vaccine Even More Important In Pandemic, And Catalina Island’s Forgotten Occupation



As a result of the pandemic and its fallout on the local economy, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved the county’s largest budget ever. Plus, Travis View, the San Diego-based host of podcast “QAnon Anonymous” breaks down the conspiracy theory. Also, flu shots can protect lung health during the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, a petition to add minority perspectives to Coronado school curriculum has gathered thousands of signatures and inspired a counter-petition. And, heat waves aren’t new to San Diego but the recent high humidity is. Finally, it’s been nearly 50 years since the Chicano activist group the Brown Berets camped out on Catalina Island for three weeks demanding that undeveloped land be turned into housing.