Pat's View: Inspirational Stories

Are You at the End of Your Strength?



Are you living like your strength is enough? Are you at the end of your strength?   Have you ever craned your neck back, then even further back in order to size up the situation you were facing much like David did when he faced Goliath?   Maybe you are standing there right now. As you sized up the situation, you realized that your muscles, your strength and your ability were absolutely inadequate for the fight you were facing? Standing there, facing your giant, you KNOW, absolutely know that you ain't got it in you, if you are there, then you are in a great place! Cause you have reached the end of your strength and you're finally willing to reach for God's strength.   I am a visual thinker.  That means I almost always want to know what something looks like. Most of the time I picture strength as bold and showy like the bulging muscles that drive a bully’s drawn fist. And I forget that it can be seen even more  accurately in the tenacity of a skinny-armed kid defending his brother.   I forget strength can be a