Enterprise Java Newscast

Stackd 55: Welcome 2022! JChampionsConf, Log4Shell, Angular 13, JakartaEE 10 and more!



Overview Ian, Kito, Danno and Josh kick off their first episode of the year with a lively discussion about sessions from jChampionsConf, Angular 13, JakartaEE 10, GraalVM, Cypress.io, AI coding assistants, Log4Shell, and more! jChampions Conf 2022 https://jchampionsconf.com/ YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJ6IHM_uy6dWLBiDAwYkpw CodeQL talk https://youtu.be/rn7tAZytyBc IntelliJ talk https://youtu.be/cK19rE2V9UY Migrating Legacy JavaEE App talk https://youtu.be/rQSVcp96Pis *UI / Web* Angular 13 Released https://blog.angular.io/angular-v13-is-now-available-cce66f7bc296 Death to IE 11 https://death-to-ie11.com/  *Server Side Java* Jakarta EE 10 Release Plan - GitHub Pages https://eclipse-ee4j.github.io/jakartaee-platform/jakartaee10/JakartaEE10ReleasePlan Jakarta EE mailing lists https://jakarta.ee/connect/mailing-lists/ *IDEs and Tools* jQAssistant https://github.com/jqassistant-demo/jakarta-ee-dependencies GraalVM 22.0 promises a better developer experience | InfoWorld https://www.infoworld