Triangle Tactical - Uspsa | 3 Gun | Idpa | Competitive Shooting

Some Things I've Noticed...



Listen to the Podcast [powerpress] Have you ever noticed that at some matches, it's totally cool to pull out a rulebook when there's a question about a rule, but at other matches it's almost offensive to the parties involved? Have you ever noticed how some folks just seemingly want to buy junk? It's like some people just want to buy the underdog gun, and shoot it well so bad that they'll ask for advice, then completely ignore it.  Have you ever noticed that some folks just can't put their machismo away for any reason? A couple weeks ago I encouraged you to go buy a tourniquet, and I was surprised by the reaction of some folks, saying they don't need one, because they'll just use their belt, etc. I'll be honest, I don't think you probably can use most belts to stop serious bleeding, and if you can, I have my doubts that you'll be able to put it on and find a makeshift windlass to cinch it down before you lose too much blood. Listen, I like to do tinker and do things myself, but TQ's aren't expensive and they c