New Books In Psychology

Christine Kane, "The Soul Sourced Entrepreneur: An Unconventional Success Plan for the Highly Creative, Secretly Sensitive & Wildly Ambitious" (BenBella, 2020)



Today I talked to Christine Kane about her book The Soul Sourced Entrepreneur: An Unconventional Success Plan for the Highly Creative, Secretly Sensitive & Wildly Ambitious (BenBella, 2020). Sick of the frequent images of entrepreneurs as machismo, take-no-prisoner, Rambo-like action figures? Look no farther than this episode, in which Christine Kane admits that bulimia was her first business mentor as she had to learn to deal with her 10-year battle with binging and purging to fit an idealistic body image that wasn’t rooted in reality. One demon conquered gave her the fortitude to, first, enter the music industry on her own terms, and then in turn help thousands of (often female) fans become entrepreneurs on their own terms by offering advice. In a phrase from Kane’s book, Soft is Hard because the “human” or soul part of business is at least as important as focusing on strategy. The soft part IS hard, and yet it allows you to stretch and grow as a person and businessperson alike. If ready for some authentic