Public Risk Management

Anatomy Of A Lawsuit



Anatomy Of A Lawsuit Scott Roloff is the President of Integer Health Technologies. Starting as a CPA then a Lawyer, first as a tax lawyer before switching to corporate law. At Integer Health Technologies, a healthcare analytics company, their primary focus is to measure the return on healthcare costs, quantifying healthcare outcomes. He explains the ins and outs of lawsuits and how in some fashion lawsuits will touch everyone’s life; whether summoned as a juror, giving a testimony, or involved in a lawsuit themselves. He describes how a lawsuit begins with a complaint, and the best means of avoiding one as the best lawsuits are the ones that don’t happen due to their costs and complexities. In the circumstances it cannot be resolved, Scott provides step by step a lawsuit’s process, how to go about selecting the best lawyer, the different types of cases and the phases of a trial. He also defines the differences between Attorney Client Privilege and Confidentiality Obligation, as well as gives in-depth inf