Clarity On Fire

Finding a job with less force, more ease, & amazing results with Emily Liou



Raise your hand if, when you think of “job searching,” the list of to-dos that come to mind sound something like:    Update resumé, write cover letter, apply, wait, repeat.   What if we told you that LITERALLY NONE of those things are how you get a job in 2022?   If you’re skeptical, you won’t be after hearing our interview with Emily Liou, former recruiter, career coach, and total genius when it comes to helping you find (and get!) your dream job.   Listen in as Emily doles out some seriously great advice, like:   What’s really happening behind the scenes when you apply for a job you found online How to completely avoid throwing your application into a black hole, never to be seen again How to get people to notice you—and get hired for jobs that previously ignored you, or jobs that don’t even exist What to do if you’re worried about gaps on your resumé, changing industries, or being too young/too old for a job And how you can find a job with WAY less work than you’re used to with traditional job searching