Attra - Sustainable Agriculture

Meet NCAT. Chris Lent aims to help farmers be resilient



In this episode of Voices from the Field, Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Nina Prater introduces us to one of NCAT's newest staff members, Chris Lent.Actually, it is more of a reintroduction since Chris worked at NCAT several years ago. He took a break when his son was born, and now he's back as a sustainable agriculture specialist working from northeast Pennsylvania with NCAT's Northeast Regional Office.Chris has wide-ranging experience, from organic agriculture and high tunnel production to solar power and business planning. He and Nina talk about his journey in agriculture and the projects he'll be taking on with NCAT.Related ATTRA Resources:Chris Lent profileScaling Up for Regional MarketsArmed to FarmSolar Powered Livestock Watering SystemsHigh Tunnels in Urban AgricultureOther ResourcesSquare Foot GardeningPASA Sustainable AgricultureRodale BooksInternational Organic Inspectors AssociationPennsylvania Certified OrganicGreenhouse Manual: An Introductory Guide for EducatorsContact N