Attra - Sustainable Agriculture

NCAT’s AgriSolar Clearinghouse Aims to Make Solar More Accessible to Land Managers



The National Center for Appropriate Technology has launched America’s first AgriSolar Clearinghouse to connect farmers, ranchers, land managers, solar developers, and researchers with trusted, practical information to increase the co-location of solar and agriculture.In less than a decade, solar installations are expected to cover more than 3 million acres of the United States, creating a big opportunity to pair solar with agricultural land to produce food, conserve ecosystems, create renewable energy, increase pollinator habitat, and maximize farm revenue.In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Communications Director Emilie Ritter Saunders speaks with Energy Programs Director Stacie Peterson, Phd., about how the AgriSolar Clearinghouse aims to make solar more accessible to land managers looking to make the most out of their land, diversify their revenue, and produce renewable energy. Visit the new resource at AGRISOLARCLEARINGHOUSE.ORGRelated ATTRA Resources:AgriSolar ClearinghouseSheep and the Sun: