Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English Without Grammar.

#034 - Business English Idioms Examples and Story - Part #2



In today's episode: I'll talk again about the most common business expressions. Later, you'll practice your English speaking with a funny story with questions and answers. Awesome! Let's get started! A long shot If you describe a solution to a problem as a remote possibility, it means there is little chance of success, but you think it's worth a try. The idiom originates from the concept of a shot at a target from a great distance, therefore difficult to make.   Example:"You could try to find that mysterious man. It's a long shot, but you could start surfing the internet." To go broke If you go broke, you experience a financial collapse. You'll lose most or all of your money. Example:"Our company is going to go broke anytime unless you stop spending money foolishly." Start from scratch The meaning of this expression is to start doing something over from the beginning.  The root of the expression comes from races in which the scratch line was the starting point and wouldn't offer any advantage to a