Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English Without Grammar.

#061-English Speaking Practice - Route 66



Hi, everyone! I’m Georgiana, your online English teacher. My mission is to help you to speak English fluently. Ok! Let’s start! - In the first part of this lesson I'll talk about the famous Route 66.  - And in the second part, you’ll practice your spoken English with a funny mini-story. Who hasn't heard of the famous Route 66? This route is a myth itself and of course an icon of the United States. Americans call it "The MotherRoute" because it was the first paved federal highway in the country. It’s also called "The Main Street" because it was literally the Main Street in many of the tows it ran through.  It was in 1926 when the government began building this national highway which passes through no less than eight states: Illinois,Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.  And do you know how many miles there are on this route? Try to guess the distance...Well, I'll tell you. This route is about 2500 miles, which is about 4000 kilometers.   Read the text here: SpeakEnglishPodcas