Reignite Your Purpose: Inspiration | Empowerment | Education With Life Mastery Coach Sheila Sutherland

Ep87: Unleash Your Feminine Power and Become a Love Magnet with Orion Talmay



Are you tired of today’s dating scene – all the apps, websites, and impersonal way of searching for love? Do you feel like all the men you date are not on your energy wavelength, leaving you disappointed and let down with their empty promises and lack of commitment? Do you want to find a love that ignites your passion, that makes you happy, that brings out the best in you and lets your divine feminine energy shine through? Today’s amazing guest is here to help us to do that. Orion Talmay is a love coach and an international speaker. She works with successful high achievers and helps them unleash their feminine power to become a magnet for conscious relationships and love.   She is the founder of Orion’s Method and the host of the popular podcast, Stellar Life, where she helps women increase their energy level, develop a sexy confidence, ignite their passion and discover a sense of freedom, ease and flow.  To connect with Orion, go to