Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates 2-13-22



LEGACY SH VAPA (323) 357-7531 2/13/22 Hello VAPA Community. This is Dr. Trimis. Hola, comunidad de VAPA.  Este es el Dr. Trimis. Monday is a late-start day. El lunes es un día de inicio tardío. February is Black History Month. We will have our Black History Month Town Hall this Friday during Period 4. This week we will begin Mental Health Monthly Workshops on Zoom. Please join us on Zoom at 9 am Friday. The Zoom Meeting ID is 861 6418 8965. We have TUTORING for most subjects throughout the week at various times at VAPA. Check out the tutoring schedule online at our website and social media sites. Students have the opportunity to clear detentions every day at lunch and afterschool on select days. Please get more info at the VAPA office. This is Spirit Week. Monday is Wear Read and Spread Kindness Day, Tuesday is Wear All Black Solidarity Day, Wednesday is Cultural Awareness/Wear Something to Represent Your Culture Day, Thursday is Superhero Day, and Friday is be Your Own Rainbow/You be You Day. Thank