Conscious Chatter With Kestrel Jenkins

S06 Episode 261 | Can fashion and degrowth coexist, and specifically — do high heels exist in a degrowth world?



In episode 261, Kestrel welcomes Marula Tsagkari, a degrowth advocate and PhD candidate at the University of Barcelona in the Department of Economics, to the show. Marula’s work focuses on energy communities, energy self-sufficiency, and energy democracy. "Degrowth is not about austerity, it’s not about living in a primitive way in a cave — nothing like that. And of course degrowth is not COVID-19 lockdown. It’s about happiness, it’s about wellbeing, it’s about living happy with less things. And what real happiness is for each and every one of us — I think I will leave it up to all of you to decide, what real happiness means for you." -Marula For many people, a degrowth world is a utopia – and to some, that means it’s totally unrealistic. Yet to others, it means we can strive to reconstruct a world with many of these ideals at the core of how we exist, and while it may take time, it is possible. This week’s guest is a degrowth advocate and also a lover of fashion. Many may instantly think that the two cannot