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Episode 17: Brick Building Full of Lies



Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin talk about checking email under the table to catch up on your 27 high priority tasks, a good time to use the word priority, blowing cycles on meeting with Narnia's stakeholders, and getting tasks out of your dreamcatcher. Links for this episode:BONUS AWESOME: Too Close to the Metal Wallpapers (Chainmail for Manatees)ESSAY: Mud Rooms, Red Letters, and Real Priorities | 43 FoldersESSAY: GTD: Priorities don't exist in a vacuum | 43 FoldersESSAY: First, care. | 43 FoldersWIKI: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Importance vs. Urgency)WIKI: Alan Lakein (Lakein's question: "What is the best use of my time right now?")CONCEPT: GTD & "The Four-Criteria Model for Choosing Actions in the Moment" - Google BooksROCKET: Estes 1948 Big Bertha Flying Model Rocket Kit ( Time and motion study - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWEBB: Cheaper by the Dozen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaSONG: Bacon Ray - Sundays In A RowBONUS AWESOME: C