Back To Work

Episode 65: A Light Dusting of Life



TOPIC: Stressing Out About Stress Dan and Merlin talk about what happens when stress meets stress, anxiety feeds anxiety, and 10 guys maybe try to jump you in the woods. Which kinds of stress are simply unavoidable? Which ones are addictive? Which ones can be tolerated? And, yes, which kinds of stresses can be vanquished by firing your boss? Links for this (Merlin's Music Project with Squarespace)[SPONSOR] Email Marketing and Email List Manager | MailChimpSign-up for Back to Work's BULK Bag! NewsletterAeroPress “Ritual” on Vimeo[SPONSOR] Build a Website - Create a Blog - SquarespacePricing - Das Keyboard Model S Professional Mechanical Keyboard: ElectronicsThe Stenciled Approach | You Look Nice TodayMN 82: Ratthapala SuttaDorothy Parker: "If all the girls attending it were laid end to end…"Dorothy C. Fisher: "A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary."Prayer (Direct petitions to God) - Wikipedia,