Back To Work

Episode 97: Pope of the Office



TOPIC: Using GTD to sanely and intelligently decide what to do, and when, and where. This week, Dan and Merlin continue their discussion of David Allen's Getting Things Done system. Hopping over the basic workflow and setup (you'll definitely need the book for that), this is all about doing—leveraging the horizontal and vertical axes of GTD to intuitively choose exactly the right task at any given moment. Regardless of interruptions, regardless of unexpected change, and regardless of what you're mindfully not doing. David Allen calls GTD, "The Art of Stress-Free Productivity," and this is the episode where you'll find out how having put this system in place can yield astronomical improvements in how your actual things get done. Also included: a teaser for January's "iTunes management" series, plus recommendations for the three best comic series Merlin read this week. Links for this episode:Getting Things Done - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGetting Things Done is a book by productivity consultant David