Back To Work

Episode 126: Howard Chicken



TOPIC: How many Saturdays do you get? This week, Dan and Merlin talk about time. Its scarcity, its passing, its tyranny, and its possibilities. Links for this episode:[SPONSOR] Drafts - Agile Tortoise[SPONSOR] Build a Website — Squarespace[SPONSOR] Transporter | Data RedefinedEnding the Tyranny of the Open-Plan Office - BusinessweekThe key to making workers happy and productive is having a mix of spaces for different activities. Gensler found that workers spend more than half their time at work in deep focus and about one-fourth in collaboration, with the rest split between learning, socializing, and other tasks. Of course, office workers still spend most of the day at their desks, but when it’s time to do some hard-core collaborating or learning, moving to a different environment can help them shift gears. So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love: Cal Newport: 9781455528042: BooksSatellite Sam #1 - Comics by comiXologyThe star of beloved daily t