Creativity Cultivator Podcast - Turning Your Business, Your Team And You Into A Creativity Cultivator

Is it nice to be your own boss? Steven Hoffman, CEO of Founders Space reacts.



Is it nice to be your own boss? Not really. If you make a great product, will it spread via word of mouth? Probably not. Is your idea valuable? Unlikely. Steven Hoffman, CEO of Founders Space tells the honest truth about entrepreneurship. If you're getting ready to launch a company, or are considering it, listen to this first. When I asked a startup friend about him, he immediately told me "oh yea, that guy is awesome!" His name speaks for itself. Hoffman has created many startups, both bootstrapped and venture-funded, and he obliterates the startup-bro, "just do it" advice. For example, did you know almost half of why startups fail? Because there were no customers that cared about their product. That's insane! Hoffman also talks about why going to the customer seems to be the answer for almost every startup challenge. Oddly, many startups fail to do this step correctly.