Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Hyperthyroid and Hypothyroid at the Same Time? How to Figure out Your Thyroid Status



Is it possible to be both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid at the same time? Well, not exactly. But it is definitely possible for SOME tissues to have too much thyroid hormone while others do not have enough. This is a pretty confusing topic but it's something that all thyroid patients should be aware of. To start, you should be aware that a single tissue or cell cannot be both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid at the same time. The way that thyroid hormone works is in the nucleus of the cell via a nuclear receptor. The way that the thyroid receptors work is such that a cell can either be stimulated or not. The same cell cannot be both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid at the same time. Having said that, why do some people experience symptoms of both thyroid conditions? That is possible in a couple of different ways. The first is through thyroid conditions which cause ALTERNATING thyroid function. These conditions may cause low thyroid one day and then high thyroid the next. Conditions in this group include: -