Says Grace

Monica Tanner - The Relationship & Intimacy Sexpert!



She gets it, entrepreneurship and marriage are HARD...they both take work. There are lots of ups and downs and sometimes it all just feels like TOO MUCH. But can she let you in on a little secret?   It's easier than you might may just need some simple, time-saving, life-saving skills and strategies. That's where Monica comes in... She firmly believe that there is no two people on planet earth who love each other more than her and her husband and she would love to help you believe that about your own marriage as well.   She helps Passionate Female Entrepreneurs prioritize their marriage while crushing their business goals through a system called Sexpionage.   Her goal is to help you embrace your sexuality and gain courage, confidence, commitment, communication, conflict resolution and connection skills enabling you to create a marriage that supports your business and a business that supports your marriage.   She’s here to help!   For the full interview you can join our exclusive Facebook women's gr