Secrets Of Organ Playing Podcast

SOPP671: I’m 75, and do know for myself, the very high difficulty of remembering my daily study already the next day.



This question was sent by Hubertus, and he writes: “Hello Vidas and Ausra, As for getting informed with your very-very good advice etc. I admire your setup, and do respond to your questions as a moral obligation. As you probably remember from the last mail exchange, I’m 75, and do know for myself, the Very high difficulty of remembering my daily study already the next day. 13 years ago I started from scratch in music and organ play. I generally get only 1 to maybe max. Sometimes 2 hrs time to practice a day, some days even less, for all kinds of reasons, concentration is a hot issue in this all. So, on the moment I’m studied in this past holiday season the BWV 721, and after 2 months now I’m able to play the piece as tempi gives, and still make usual remembrance mistakes, and in between I TRY to replay several pieces I studied recently before, with lots of difficulties in reading. Again, I still like to play and do, especially this Bach piece. So to answer your nr 1; My dream WAS, 12 years ago, to play beaut