Ordinary Vegan Podcast

Ordinary Vegan Podcast #33: How Overfishing Impacts Humanity & Risks of Eating Fish



Americans alone, increased their seafood consumption to 15.5 pounds of fish and shellfish per person in 2015. Up nearly a pound from the previous year, making it the biggest leap in seafood consumption in 20 years. Overfishing has been created by advanced fishing technology and an increased demand for fish. This has caused several marine species to become extinct or endangered.  The seafood business is also valued at billions of dollars, and when that much money is at stake, people can become very greedy.  Fishing vessels as big as cruise ships troll the waters and have the ability to fish four times more fish than ever before. Some scientists are predicting that seafood will eventually run out because of the global loss of seafood species.  In todays podcast, we break down how overfishing impacts human lives, and why it is everyone’s problem.  We also discuss fish toxicity and which high mercury fish to avoid.  Last but not least, is fish a healthy food to consume? Thanks for joining us today. Please subscri