Creativity Cultivator Podcast - Turning Your Business, Your Team And You Into A Creativity Cultivator

Why did the supply chain break? Grafton Elliott, CEO of Onward explains like I'm 12.



You've heard the term "supply chain" tossed around, but do you know what it is, why it failed, or how it can be fixed? Grafton Elliot, CEO of Onward breaks it down so even a 12-year-old can understand. The supply chain is wildly complicated, but the solution is remarkably simple and could be dramatically improved in just a few weeks if (and that's a big if) the industry was willing to communicate more effectively. Much of the global supply chain is still behind the times from a technology standpoint, and shipping the products you rely on is still reliant on paper forms and phone calls. Check out the full show notes page, and clickable auto-play highlights at