Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

034: Social Media Marketing: 45 Signs You Need to Get a Grip on Your Program



Many marketing and business leaders jump onto the social networks after being sold a bag of social goods from consultants and agencies thinking they can drive immediate business return. They often get sold on the belief that all they need to do is "do social media" and the magical social media fairy will deliver them a basket of ROI. The truth is they wind up feeling as though their social program is spinning out of control. They focus too much on the science vs art of social media. They chase shiny objects and random acts of marketing vs spending time aligning social media to business goals. It seems marketing and business leaders have forgotten basic marketing and business 101. If this is  you, do not fear my friend. There is hope. You need to first acknowledge that you need a grip. Then you need to focus on your business goals and objectives and align social media to where social can have the greatest impact. You need to get stakeholders on board and integrate social into the DNA of your business. In this