

Many business and life experts will tell you that you should follow your passions if you want to get rich. As human beings it is normal for us to focus our lives on something we are passionate about. We want our work and life to matter. We desire to make a difference in someone else's life. We want to leave a footprint on this planet that is something bigger than what you or I can do individually, something we can only do together. We search for the dream job. We search for the dream products and services that can deliver happiness. We go on vacations that promise happiness. We purchase courses that promise wealth and improved health. It's important that you design a life that brings you happiness. However, happiness isn't going to come in a box. Financial security isn't going to come in a box or a 3 day course. Many search for the dream life where everything magically comes together, where our work can be meaningful, bring value to others and make us rich. The truth is that the chance of this happening in su