

Are you an entrepreneur, small business owner or leader in a corporate organization and feel as if you are stuck in a rut? Ever feel as though the rest of the world is zooming past you? Or maybe that you have fallen victim to the status quo bug? You know your results could be better but you don't know how to get there.    If this is you, then this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast is exactly what you need.   In life and business we always want to be looking ahead to what we can be doing that is better, smarter and more efficient. Most importantly we need to always be striving to deliver the best value for our audiences, customers, partners and larger community.   In this episode Pam Moore, CEO Founder of Marketing Nutz, a full service social media, branding, digital marketing and content marketing agency shares 5 tips to help you get unstuck and hopefully inspire you to take your business and life to the next level.  You can implement these tips immediately. It's time you stomp status quo and zoom pas