Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar

062: Increase Conversions with Trust & Relationships, Not Spam & Self Promotion



It's not rocket science or hot news that earning trust, establishing authority and nurturing relationships is the key to success in business and life. Do you wish you had more business conversions? Focus on earning trust as a top priority. Relationships are nurtured over time with a foundation of trust, caring, and open communication. Relationships are not formed via a spam auto Twitter direct message or a spam link blasted via Twitter to the top 50 influencers in your industry niche.  Many marketing and business leaders hop onto the social networks and get excited about how easy it is to blast the noise to hundreds and thousands of people. Even for those who don't like to write, they find it easy to throw together a few 140 character tweets spamming links and self promotional content with the hopes of growing their business.  Spamming and over self promotion will hurt your brand more than help it. These behaviors may be pushing people away from you and your brand vs attracting them and inspiring them to have