Z Report Live!

Z Report Live! Show #551



On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW single from Yoni Z titled Boee released earlier this week, the US debut of a new single from social media-lite Shuki Salomon this time featuring American artist Benny Friedman titled Shir HaTzedaka, the broadcast premiere of a new single from Israeli rising star Raphael Melloul released this morning titled Daaga Minayin, the broadcast debut of a new single from singer and songwriter Dani Kunstler titled Bayom Hahu and the US debut of a new single from Israel singer Ari Gold titled Yesh Bi Emunah. Both the CEO and a board member of MAKOR Care and Service Network, the organization behind Sheya Mendlowitz's new event The Jewish Music Hall of Fame Show phoned in and tell us about the amazing work Makor does and has been doing for over two decades. Will there be concert update and reveals? Who knows... Tune in to find out. We also have NEW music from Motty Steinmetz, Shloime