Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Emotions And Guidance



Our emotional guidance system is a part of our inner knowing.. Use your emotions to guide you every day so you can make better decisions in your life When you think about a situation and you have a vibrational emotion, you feel your way through it Always try to reach for the next thing you can do to move through and raise an emotion like sadness I find that rationalizing a challenging emotion and discovering how or why I might feel that way really helps  Feeling good about things usually means you're on the right track... But look deeper to find the mixed emotions Sort through different emotions and use the vibrational scale to determine the best path you can take  Use and direct your emotions by making adjustments as you go so you can lead a happy healthy life! For a more in depth discussion on this or other wellness or wellbeing topics, please sign up for a personal coaching session with me by going to lisampepe.com/coaching. https://www.lisampepe.com/coaching In the mean time, watch my video below for m