Secret Sauce - The Restaurant Marketing Podcast

45 - Increasing Restaurant Profitability with lessons learnt from the 2017 NRA Show in Chicago



This special podcast covers the first two days from the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago.  The show is absolutely massive and after 2 days we have only down 2/3s of the show.  There are show many people to talk to, some many ideas to explore and some much food to sample :). We've gone looking for the best ideas to improve profitability in your restaurant, so we are looking at the people, the places, the processes, the product and the produce that is at the show. People:  Their are coaches, some who have some great systems to help Restaurants and Bars to run a lot more efficiently, we talk to the guys from Grub Hub and  Products:  We look at some massive copper beer mugs from Barbarian brands.  Produce:  There are some great new products at the show.  Aerated kombucha tea, and we look at the difference between Chilean Sea Bass and Patagonian Tooth fish.  A lot of the produce has a really interesting story behind it and when distributors are trying to sell it to you, they tell that story, but too