Comical Radio

Ep 751 - Live From Grandma's Basement - It's Sheen Madness!



The most watched show on television "Two and a Half Men" has just been cancelled and Chris Iacono and Warren Holstein are here to chime in on the coked out, stripper loving disaster that is Charlie Sheen. Sheen's granted at least nine television and radio interviews since the cancellation of the show with each one being more crazed than the last and Chris and Warren take the time to analyze his “Bi-Winning” rant.   Warren like clockwork calls out Chris on his weird segue in-between topics. The protests in Libya continue and the U.S. has finally gotten involved in the form of sanctions. Beyonce´, 50 cent and Mariah Carey have all performed for Gadhafi and Chris poses the question to Warren "how much would it take for you to sellout?"   While Wisconsin may be trying to get rid of unions in the public sector Chris' mom has rallied the troops at work to form a union. In tech news the U.S. government has come up with a spy humming bird and there have been reported cases of sensory overloads from gadgets causi