Comical Radio

EP 812- Comical Radio Mondays- The End Of The World Show: Julian Hershowitz, Trey Galyon,



Today’s first guest, Julian Hershowitz, jumps right in to promote his public game of tag in Central Park. He just graduated college, having majored in statistics. Chris says all statistics are made up. Trey Galyon enters wearing a T-shirt that says “I drank with Doug Stanhope”. Chris and Trey are both hardcore fans of Gonzo Journalism and Ralph Steadman. The guys discuss today’s stock market crash and predict the entire system will soon collapse altogether. It wasn’t that long ago that thousands of people were waiting in line for bread, Chris points out. Danny says that’s why he has his own federal reserves of food on his body. He also thinks the government wants to keep America fat. He’s okay with this because the fatter everyone else gets, the skinnier he looks in comparison. Chris thinks we need a new holocaust in America where we systematically kill everyone on Wall Street.