Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

247 Protests in the Negev



We were very confused by the angry protests over JNF tree planting in the Negev. What could be less controversial than planting trees? We invited Elianne Kremer of the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality to explain it to us. She gave us the background and discussed the difficulties facing Israel's Bedouin minority. She also sent us the information links below. Join us!TOI ArticleHi all,Many thanks for hosting me, I really enjoyed it.Please see here our website on reports and position papers, including our annual home demolitions report, human rights report, the statistical gap among the Bedouin communities and so forth. I would like to share with you some informative slides we have produced with This is Not an Ulpan, which you can find here...Looking forward to hearing from you regarding a tour in the Naqab ;)All the best,ElianneThis episode was edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Facebook pagePlease rate, review, share and recommend our podcast.If you have further questions about