Lil' Drummer Girl

#89 Live Joyfully with a Purpose with Juliette Valle



Seasons Greetings My Lovely Drumsters,  I hope you had an amazing holiday season and that 2022 brings you all the love, dreams, and fun goodies life has to offer. Do you love Christmas songs?  They immediately seem to make the season of the holidays festive and I don’t think Christmas would be the same without them.  They seem to be a genre of music that can make you cry, laugh, or just have fun with the family and friends for some sing-alongs.  I started a collection of Christmas albums after my parents passed because it was one of the traditions we had in our house growing up.  They always made me feel like they were there when I’d listen to them.  You’re probably asking me, “Why are we talking about Christmas tunes?” Well for starters it's because today's guest is the lovely Juliette Valle who has created her first album, a wonderful Christmas album titled (“Joyfully”).  Not only is it one of the most beautiful soun